On August 15th, 2020, many brave souls journeyed into the Infinite Void for Mad Gallica's first livestream event. After several weeks of preparation in setting up the visual and audio aspects and taking brilliant song requests by many wonderful souls, we were able to pull off a marvelous introduction to the Infinite Void. This is all thanks to our dear friend Max Karon, audio tech extraordinaire, and Joshua Prindiville, visuals & lighting pro, as well as each and every one of our fabulous supporters who helped promote it on social media, helped Mad Gallica over the 1000 youtube subscribers hurdle, and streamed the show. We (Mad Gallica) have read through your kind messages and comments and are deeply humbled by the connection we made together through music magic. Furthermore, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who were able to contribute financially as well, helping to raise $960 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

What is the Infinite Void?
In this show, we lightly touched on the meaning behind this. Clearly, at face value, the Infinite Void is where we can all virtually hang out and celebrate music and each other through the vast wondrous web of the internet; a most convenient way to connect during the Pandemic of 2020 where live shows are not an option. In film terms, an Infinite Void is known as an "infinity wall," which is exactly what we set out to achieve visually to create this void appearance. Both of these are fine explanations and at surface level explain what an infinite void is in a language that speaks to the realists in us, the part of our brain that wants to make sense of the world in a language it understands. But what is reality anyway? There is a much deeper meaning behind the Infinite Void, and that is a meaning which we must discover on our own in the Infinite Void deep within ourselves. To do this, we bravely dive the depths of our subconsciousness to explore The Great Beyond Within. There, we are safe, we are love, we are our truest selves, and we can create anything, for we are indeed The Storytellers & Creators of Worlds. For those who wish, we will be exploring this aspect together in weeks to come. And what a perfect time to do so: when the chaos of the world outside can be too much to bear, we find safety and wisdom in this quiet, special place within.

An Introduction to Julia Mosley
One of our favorite aspects of this show aside from the beautiful connection we all made with each other, was an introduction to Julia Mosley's music. We invited many songwriters to submit their original music for Mad Gallica to cover. While the songs received all possessed their own special sparks by an array of talented individuals and bands, Julia's song, "September Song" really stood out as a great fit for this first show. It was very well received by the audience, and it is safe to say We (Mad Gallica) are not alone in our excitement for coming across this beautifully talented songstress. For more Julia Mosley news, visit her website HERE.
A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Fellow Travelers
It warmed our heart to know that our viewers felt the love radiating throughout the Infinite Void, and we are grateful for everyone's generous energetic contribution to this love which made for a magnificently magical night. We felt it too; we felt a connection through the power of music and positivity. We thank you for a night of healing and we hope you experienced this healing as well. We also thank the incredibly gifted artists who shared their creations of this experience in the Infinite Void. Explore this Gallery below of their beautiful creations and discover the names of The Creators by clicking on each picture.
Below is the end result for this show's Custom Creation raffle prize winner. We hope to offer more raffle prizes like this in future events.

For those who missed it, you can watch Mad Gallica's "Live From The Infinite Void" show below:
And here, you can watch the After Show Party hang with Dylan:
Stay tuned for updates of our next journey into the Infinite Void!
